About US

The Cameroon People’s Party was founded on december 26, 1991 by Decision N° 0372/D/MINAT of December1991

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Our Political Program

The political programme of the Cameroon people’s party is entitled “The Cameroon that is Leading the Way. Our objective is to make Cameroon one of the 10 largest African economies.

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Join the CPP

You are a Cameroonian and you want to take active part in the construction of a better Cameroon, join the Cameroon People’s Party Today.

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Let us build that Cameroon that is leading way. Donate today to the Cameroon People Party.

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2016: A Breakthrough Year


De nombreux signaux émis par le peuple camerounais durant l'année 2015 nous permettent d'entrevoir l'année 2016 comme une année capitale. Année Capitale parce qu'elle s'annonce déterminante pour l'avenir de notre pays. Année capitale pour le peuple qui a ainsi l'opportunité de poser les fondations d'un Cameroun meilleur, le CAMEROUN LEADER.

Le CPP à travers son déploiement sur le terrain va y contribuer de manière significative. Restez connectés, suivez-nous et soyez informés en permanence pour agir avec nous et écrire ENSEMBLE une nouvelle page de l'histoire de notre beau pays.


Our objective is to redefine the concept of the exercise of Power in Cameroon by creating systems that favour the balance of powers. We will:

  • Rewrite the constitution to balance power between the executive, legislative and judiciary
  • Limit presidential term to 5 years, renewable once,
  • All the senators and deputies must be elected, justices of the supreme court and theConstitutional Council appointed by the head of state and approved by parliament,
  • Decentralize human and financial resources to enablemunicipalities to provide excellent basic services to citizens, Etc.

  • Double-digit growth in 5 years and creation of 500,000 jobs by 2014.
  • Gateway to the Gulf of Guinea – investment in transport infrastructure and logistics.Business services for job creation
  • Breadbasket of Central Africa– development of commercial agriculture focused on thesub-regional market, processing of agricultural products, introduction of technology…
  • Transform the informal economy – technical and financial support to actors in the markets,bus stations, street ventors etc. for the formalization and creation of decent jobs.
  • Put workers and their well being at the centre of our economicdevelopment strategy. Increase the minimum wage, health and retirement insurance,for all workers.

  • One million computers in the educational system in Cameroon by 2012 and each year followingSecure jobs for teachers, increase the number of teachers and the quality of education
  • Teach the true history of Cameroon and transmit analytical and problem-solving skillsthat young people need in the job market
  • One museum, one media library, a cultural centre in each region of Cameroon by 2016.
  • A National Medical Council to ensure quality in the entire health system.
  • Universal health insurance with a Cameroon Citizen’s Health Card for everyCameroonian within 5 years



CPP Speech on the events of 22, september 2017 in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon


Fellow Cameroonians,


Today has been a momentous day for our country.  We have seen thousands of Cameroonians expressing their frustration with the country to the point of demanding to leave our union.  No Cameroonian can be indifferent.


I want to start by expressing the heartfelt sympathy of the Cameroon People’s Party to victims of this crisis.  Families have lost their loved ones; activists and members of the armed forces have been wounded. The CPP empathizes with you.



Chers Compatriotes,

C'est un grand honneur pour moi de vous transmettre le message du Cameroon People’s Party pour 2017. Je le...


Hommage à Marthe Ouandié

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Le peuple a massivement répondu présent

Plus de 200 personnes sont venus ce matin à Laquintinie, rendre un dernier hommage à Monique Koumatekel.  Les Camerounais ont massivement répondu...


La présidente du CPP et des militants du CPP et MRC arrêtés

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Le CPP réaffirme sa non-participation au défilé du 20 mai 2017.

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Message du CPP aux Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Cameroun à l’occasion de la Journée Internationale des Travailleurs, Edition 2017.

En ce 1er Mai 2017, le CPP salue le travail de tous les Camerounais

Nous saluons le travail :

  • Des travailleurs de l'économie informelle - les commerçants du marché, les conducteurs...


Unité Nationale : Nous pouvons passer De l’Exclusion vers l’Inclusion

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Monique Alvine Koumatekel

Vous avez vécu une vie importante. Importante pour vos proches mais plus encore pour la Nation.



Déclaration Stand Up For Cameroon

Projet de révision de la Constitution : Une bataille vient d’être gagnée mais nous devons rester vigilants et poursuivre...

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